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the workout for your skin

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Benefits of Microneedling

  • Microneedling is excellent at breaking up sun damage and dark spots.

  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles due to collagen stimulation

  • Improves scarring

  • Minimal downtime

​Best results are reached with multiple treatments.  Monthly treatments over several months are recommended unless you are using radiofrequency which hastens results.  If interested in Radiofrequency microneedling please see the VIVACE ULTRA

smooth glowing skin


Why microneedling?
Microneedling is phenomenal for stimulating collagen, improving texture, and smoothing fine lines.  It also breaks up pigmentation and leaves your skin texture feeling smooth.  It helps maintain youthful depth to the skin.

While it may seem intimidating, microneedling is not painful.  The recovery is simple with minimal downtime.  


next level pigment fighting

Uncover your most youthful skin with VI Peel! Add VI Peel to your treatment series to lift pigment, shed dead skin layers, and reveal fresh glowing skin. VI Peel is a medium depth chemical peel known for its excellent quality and top-notch results.


sun damage and uneven skin tone.


Adding VI Peel to your microneedling treatment enhances the results of both services

  • Microneedling is excellent at breaking up sun damage and dark spots.

  • VI Peel is the #1 choice for LIFTING the pigmentation from the skin and revealing a fresh, even glow.

Why add VI Peels?
Whether used alone or in addition to the other services on your treatment plan, you can't go wrong with VI Peel. When used with microneedling, VI Peel lifts the pigmentation from the skin, after microneedling breaks it up.

The Results speak for themselves

Microneedling + VI Peel Treatment Series

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2 Microneedling + 2 VI Peel 

2 Microneedling + 1 VI Peel Precision Plus

Safe for all skin types and tones

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