Office Appointments
Need prescription refills? Don't have insurance? NO PROBLEM!! We are not providing appointments for prescription refills. Please note that some medications or medical conditions may require lab work. We will prescribe and review your results when necessary.
New Patient appointment: $200.00
Follow up appointments: $100.00
More about this service...
If you are tired of the traditional rush in and out of the doctor's office, Modern Lady Aesthetics offers an alternative. Our nurse practitioner can provide management for medical conditions such as hypertension, asthma, allergies, high cholesterol and more. Please note that we will also focus on lifestyle changes, nutritional therapy and overall recommendations that improve your health and reduce your need for medications. Clients interested in annual lab work with review, without the need for prescriptions may also utilize this service.
It is our goal to improve your health status, not just prescribe medication!
Complex medical conditions may also need management of a specialist. We will refer you to this service when necessary.